EASD 2019:糖尿病中的可溶性问题
在欧洲糖尿病研究协会(EASD)2019会议期间,迪拜基金会将举办第六届糖尿病“可解决问题”年度计划。请与我们一起参加饮料、餐前点心和一个讨论糖尿病面临的最紧迫问vwin德赢网题和机遇的晚上。地点:我们的活动将在西班牙巴塞罗那解放军丹特区Esdevenients Esferic举行,距离巴塞罗那国际汽联会议场地9分钟车程(4.4公里)。日程安排:晚上7点开门,有饮料、开胃小吃和混合饮料。我们计划在晚上8点准时开始正式节目。节目信息:今年的节目将有令人难以置信的专题小组成员,包括哥本哈根Steno糖尿病中心的Tina Vilsbøll教授、伦敦国王学院的Stephanie Amiel教授、比利时鲁汶Katholieke大学的Chantal Mathieu教授、,香港糖尿病和肥胖症研究所的鞠连阿婵教授将参加迪拜基金会的Kelly Close主持的一场激烈的互动式讨论。请参阅下面每位专家的传记!有关“糖尿病中可解决的问题”的更多信息,请发电子邮件给jimmy。mcdermott@diatribe.org. 我们期待着在九月见到你!我们感谢我们的赞助商使本次活动成为可能!钻石赞助商铂金赞助商黄金赞助商青铜赞助商小组传记:Chantal Mathieu是内科大学教授,在比利时鲁汶天主教大学Gasthusibg大学。作为一名临床糖尿病学家,Mathieu博士每天都参与1型或2型糖尿病患者的治疗。她的主要基础研究兴趣集中在1型糖尿病的发病机制和预防,以及胰岛移植。Mathieu博士还积极参与糖尿病护理和患者教育的临床组织。她是400多篇同行评议研究论文的作者或合著者,目前是EASD的高级副总裁。重要的是,Mathieu教授是2018年《连续血糖监测数据解释的临床目标:关于时间范围的国际共识的建议》和《关于T2D降糖治疗的ADA-EASD共识声明》的合著者。马蒂厄博士于1988毕业于鲁汶大学,随后继续研究PHD,研究1型糖尿病动物模型中免疫干预的病理和治疗方面。她负责协调欧洲T1D生物标志物的INNODIA网络。自1997以来,Tina Vilsb•L一直参与糖尿病研究,2004在丹麦哥本哈根大学的GunfTe医院建立了糖尿病研究中心,现在是Stuto糖尿病中心哥本哈根的一部分。她的研究重点是肥胖、糖尿病前期、2型糖尿病的病理生理学(特别关注胰岛素、胰高血糖素和肠促胰岛素激素)、食欲和食物摄入的调节以及肠促胰岛素作为治疗药物的应用。近年来,肠道在理解人类葡萄糖代谢方面的整合已成为她的实验室的一个主要焦点。Vilsbøll教授是一位经验丰富的教师,负责指导几名博士生和医学生进行糖尿病研究。她拥有近300份科学出版物(H-index 57),几本出版的书籍和书籍章节。维尔斯波尔教授经常应邀在国家和国际会议上发言。除了她的教学和研究职位外,维尔斯波尔教授还是众多专业协会和委员会的成员,以及几家国际期刊的评委。斯蒂芬妮·阿米尔(Stephanie Amiel)是一名实验医学研究人员,对糖尿病治疗中低血糖的预防和管理以及大脑在代谢控制中的作用感兴趣。她还研究了种族对新陈代谢的影响。阿米尔教授与哈里·基恩教授在盖伊医院接受培训,并与罗伯特·舍温教授和威廉·坦伯兰教授一起在耶鲁大学开始了她的研究生涯。她领导国王的团队与谢菲尔德和北泰恩赛德合作创建了DAFNE,这是英国第一个针对1型糖尿病成人的灵活胰岛素治疗的国家结构化教育项目,并继续在该领域进行研究。在国王的肝脏病房的同事们,她建立了国王的人类胰岛隔离和移植服务,并在国王学院医院NHS基金会开发了支持成人1型糖尿病和糖尿病妊娠的服务。她目前的研究包括神经成像,以研究大脑在1型糖尿病低血糖防御和胰岛素抵抗食欲控制中的作用,她目前正在进行一项HARPdoc随机对照试验,该试验是一种新型干预措施,用于治疗成人1型糖尿病抗药性低血糖,关注cog的影响nitions on hypoglycemia avoidance behaviors. Professor Amiel was awarded the Banting Memorial Lecture of Diabetes UK, the highest award bestowed by the charity, in 2013. She chaired the Guideline Development Group for the diagnosis and management of type 1 diabetes in adults, published in 2015, and currently chairs the Strategic Research Advisory Group for Diabetes UK and is a mentor on the EFSD Mentorship program. Professor Juliana Chan is Chair Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics in the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK. She is the Founding Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, and Director of the CUHK-PWH International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Centre of Education and CUHK-PWH IDF Centre of Excellence in Diabetes Care. She joined CUHK in 1989. With her research team, she has set up multiple cohorts, databases and biobanks to validate a series of risk equations and discover a panel of genetic markers predictive of diabetes and its complications in Asian populations. This identifies high-risk individuals for early intervention. Patents have been awarded by the US and China Patent and Trademark Offices. She and her multidisciplinary team are devoted to the discovery, dissemination and application of knowledge in the field of diabetes and its co-morbidities in Chinese populations. Inspired by the marked benefits of team-based, protocol-driven care in clinical trial setting, she has integrated the components of structured assessment, risk stratification, personalized reporting and decision support into the first and foremost web-based Joint Asia Diabetes Evaluation® (JADE) Technology, which translates evidence into practice and evaluates the cost-effectiveness of interventions in real-world settings in Asia. Her team is now using a multidisciplinary, multiomic, multimethod approach to study the missing heritability of young-onset diabetes and genetic regulation of diabetic complications, especially kidney disease. To further address the unmet needs in diabetes, her team has received major grants and used state-of-the-art-methodologies, including various glucose and insulin clamp studies and continuous glucose monitoring, to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of novel compounds, including Chinese Medicine, and delivery systems in the field of diabetes and obesity. Professor CHAN has published more than 500 papers and 20 book chapters in her more than 30-year academic life. She is a member of the NIH-funded Global Consortium to discover genetic markers for diabetes and its complications. She sits on steering committees of multicenter outcome trials, and advisory boards for government and non-government organizations, including the World Health Organization and IDF, a global advocacy body for people with diabetes.
开始:2019-09-17T19:00:00 + 02:00
结尾:2019 - 09 - 17 t21:30:00 + 02:00